Out of respect for his patients and family members in the high-risk groups, Dr. Dave received his first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine on Friday, January 29th. His only side effects so far are some soreness at the injection site and a very mild headache. As with any medical intervention, there will always be some who experience serious side effects, and caution should be taken for those with significant allergies, or those who have had reactions to vaccines in the past. Trials to date show this vaccine is 95% effective--far better than the flu vaccine, which averages around 40% effectiveness. Dr. Dave welcomes any patients looking for a trusted personal resource on the vaccination experience to bring their questions to him.
From Dr. Dave: "The decision to vaccinate--or not--should be made on a case-by-case basis. If you were infected by this SARS-CoV-2 virus and think you might suffer from severe symptoms and long-term health effects, or have risk of death, I strongly suggest you consider the vaccine. By now, we all know people who have tragically suffered from this wicked disease. If you choose to take your chances with the wild virus, as many of my patients plan to, I also support that decision. It is my firm belief that in our pursuit of happiness, we need to maintain the right to determine what we put into our own bodies."